I completed the Skin Genome Quiz, but I want to change my answers, can I?Updated 4 months ago
The more accurate your answers are, the more precise your formulations will be, and the better your skincare will work. We encourage you to update your Skin Genome Quiz every 5-7 weeks and/or any time you experience a change in your skin or lifestyle (moved to another city, began/stopped taking a new topical prescription, trying to conceive, or becoming pregnant, etc.
For step-by-step instructions, please see How do I update my Skin Genome Quiz?
In order to ensure you receive the most up-to-date formulations, please be sure to update your Skin Genome Quiz at least 24 hours before your next formulations are scheduled to begin.
Updating your Skin Genome Quiz on the date your formulations are scheduled to begin will not alter the currently in-progress system. If you've updated your profile on the date your formulations are scheduled to begin, please contact the care team.